Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Giraffe and Dung Beetles!

One day on the Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve, we saw something in the dirt road rolling around when we were looking for lions. We pulled over and it turned out to be a DUNG beetle rolling some poo around. We HAD to check it out! lol
 Gross but still cool at the same time! haha!

My life in Africa was unbelievable. 
Where else would you be able to walk with wild giraffe?!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Photos That I Took

 Some of my favorite photos I took in Africa:

Murmuration Love

A murmuration of starlings is an amazing sight - 
a swooping mass of thousands of birds whirling in the sky above your head. 

This video is breathtaking.
What lucky young girls <3

Scary Moment in Africa!

Elephants were the most dangerous animals we encountered while living on Karongwe Private Game Reserve in South Africa!  WILD ELEPHANTS.  Do not get in their way, and if in a truck stay perfectly still so they see you as one big object (not a lot of people in a truck) Here ya go, check this heart stopping moment for me:
(Ps- my expression at 3min in, is hilarious because someone hushes me lol)

We thought it was only one... Then came a few more. Then came TONS. And we were right in their path! Don't get me wrong - I love animals, that's why I lived in SA, but do not assume any animal is docile or fun like in a circus, not even for a second.



Cape Town, South Africa

Aaaaand for those of you who like spiders: 

"What a Wonderful World"

"What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong
BBC Video